Celebrating Menstrual Hygiene Day 2016

06 June 2016


For helping make Menstrual Hygiene Day 2016 a huge success, across Facebook, Twitter, in Kenya.

Our Facebook page was a hive of activity, full of images, updates and news on what we were up to. Take a look at www.facebook.com/londiani .

We also thought you'd like to hear about an event that took place at Chepseon Girls Secondary School. Here's a blog from one of the team.

Celebrating MH Day

The day began with activities and games for students and teachers from 42 schools who attended together with Community Health Volunteers from 28 Community Units, and community members. All activities were based on a common theme - Menstruation Matters to everyone everywhere which is the theme to this years celebration. They were a mixture of sporting type activities, debates, fact finding, stories and discussion. The guests were then entertained by schools across the region each performing a song, drama, dance or poem on the theme of the day.

We were joined by the Ministry of Health from both the National and County Level, along with partners all working in Menstrual Health Management, The guest of honour was Deputy Governor of Kericho - Her Excellency Susan Kikwai who spoke to the girls and encouraged them to study in areas to strengthen Kericho County - she believes that everything is possible and committed to enabling girls to stay in school 100% of the time.

It was a privilege to be part of such a key event in this country, and to continue to work on our Girls for Girls programme which enables girls to stay in school.

Asante Sana to all who made this day possible. ‪#‎menstruationmatters‬ ‪#‎MHDay‬