FOL secures 3 years funding from Irish Aid
FOL has secured 3 years funding from Irish Aid for its Community Health Programme.
This poverty-reduction intervention is a multi-sector approach which addresses the interconnected issues of the role of women and food security at village level. The interventions will include strengthening the health, knowledge and skills of communities through capacity building projects aimed at supporting women in their varying roles of mother, care-giver, farmer, water-harvester, and community leader.
- Primarily, through holistic community-based interventions such as capacity building programmes in the areas of water provision, sanitation, life-skills and agricultural practices, women will be given opportunities to improve their position in their communities and work towards equality between all persons.
- Secondly, it will focus on health issues, both preventative and curative, and will expand the maternal health provisions in the District, thus highlighting women’s crucial role in the health of their families and wider communities.
- Thirdly, it will facilitate the schools in the District to improve their sanitation facilities and address the issue of girl-child education through a sustainable schools-based healthy environments programme and Continuing Professional Development for teachers.
FOL would like to express sincere gratitude to Irish Aid for supporting this programme.