Health '09 Team 2 volunteers arrive in Nairobi
31 October 2009
12 volunteers arrived in Nairobi this evening to join the health team for the next two weeks. This team will be based in Molo for the coming week and will instruct on the Medical Education Courses to be held there. These courses include Essential Obstetric Care, Pre Hospital Trauma and Integrated Management of Childhood Health. The team will work together with a Kenyan teaching faculty and 48 doctors and nurses will attend the course. Meanwhile, the remainder of the team trekked to Ndubusat yesterday from the Kamasian Division to visit the Ndubusat Bethel Clinic there. They received a great welcome on the way in the village of Kutung where FOL has supported a primary school project. On arrival in Ndubusat they were met by the FOL staff and community members. The first peer education course in this division was completed on Friday, and 32 people graduated in the afternoon. This week another course will be run by FOL working in partnership with the Marmar peer education group. Volunteers will also continue the village health surveys in the Kamasian Division. Latest photos - click here