The Big Picture

01 March 2016

We wanted to tell you about two organisations that have a direct impact on the way we work here at Friends of Londiani. As an organisation, it's important that we promote good practice in everything that we do. Two organisations we work with to demonstrate that commitment are Comhlamh and Dóchas.


Dóchas is the national voice of the international development sector in Ireland, influencing policies and behaviours for a better world. It's a network to connect, inspire and represent people and organisations working for global justice. For all Dóchas members, commitment to high professional standards, participation and transparency are integral to development processes and to the workings of development organisations.

It is said that a picture can speak a thousand words. At Friends of Londiani we use lots of pictures and lots of words to describe the lives of the people we work with in Kenya and the community development initiatives that we work on together. It’s important to us that we choose our images and messages carefully to ensure they convey respect, dignity, equality, fairness, solidarity and justice for all. That’s why we are proud to be signatories to the Dochas Code of Images and Messages, which aims to ensure that all people involved in overseas development follow the same code.

Dochas has have recently released a short animation that shows why and how powerful stories about development are told with dignity and respect. You can watch it here>>


We are a signatory of the Comhlámh Code of Good Practice (CoGP) for Volunteer Sending Agencies. The Code is a set of standards for organisations involved in facilitating international volunteer placements in the global south. The focus is to ensure overseas volunteering has a positive impact for the three main stakeholders: the local project and community, the volunteer and the sending agency. It also reflects a number of core values; partnership, quality, security, encouraging appropriate volunteer attitudes, valuing volunteering, sustainability, development education, solidarity, and the importance of contributing to development. Friends of Londiani achieved the Core Indicators Award in 2015 for its adherence to the code. This means that we are deemed to have all the core indicators in place and have attained comprehensive compliance.
This short animation explains the Code simply and more effectively than we can here, take a look>>

You can find out more about the way we are governed and the partnerships we have on our website here>>