Outstanding Contribution to Society/Humanitarian Alumni Award

19 October 2007

Helen has been on the path to make a difference to the lives of others, particularly those less fortunate since an early age. She has been involved in projects in Georgia and India, and now is Vice Chairperson of Friends of Londiani.

In the words of the Award presenter on Friday night "Helen's track record in service of others is both humbling and inspirational".

She received the Award at a lavish ceremony in the Hilton in Limerick where Michael O Muircheartaigh was the guest speaker.

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Rose Hennessy (Volunteer), Maria Kidney (Director), Siobhan Fox (Volunteer), Helen Concannon (Director) and Martin Ballantyne (Director)


Helen Concannon, Vice Chairperson of FOL received an Alumni Award for her outstanding contribution to Society on Friday 19th October 2007 at the Alumni Award Ceremony in Limerick.