School Link Begins in Londiani
In 2009, Killinarden Community School in Tallaght, Dublin, formed a partnership with Kapcheplanga Secondary School in Londiani, Kenya. They applied for a Worldwise Grant from Irish Aid and were successful. The purpose of the link is for students and staff in both schools to learn about each other and to undertake joint activities as link schools using development education methodologies. Teacher exchanges and Irish Student visits were also part of the link project.
Following the success of the Link, FOL decided to develop a Schools Network, linking Irish secondary schools with schools in Londiani. In the 2010-2011 school-year, 3 Irish schools formed the FOL Network.
- Killinarden Community School & Kapcheplanga Secondary School
- Mountrath Community School & Londiani Girls Academy
- Moate Community School & Moi Sorget Secondary School.
Irish teachers from all three schools have arrived in Londiani for a week long visit this week. They will meet the students and staff of their partner schools. During the week these 16 teachers will learn about the school, the culture and the education system in Kenya. Each school has embraced these links and FOL will continue to support them in this worthwhile acitivity.
In 2011, teachers from all 3 schools in Londiani will come to Ireland for a week long visit. This will enable reciprocal activities to occur and the for the Irish students to meet Kenyan teachers and learn from them.
Plans are well underway for project activities in each school with some work already being completed – school choirs learning each others songs, CSPE action projects, skyping & letter-writing.